Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Sunrise

Hello there!
I know it has been a while. I apologize. Many things have happened on this journey of mine. I finally got a job as a graphic artist/illustrator for a social gaming company. I'm super excited and relieved. It has been about a month now and I'm gradually working my way back into my personal projects. I also bought a car with the money I saved up while working retail. So things are looking up...it's strange. Things happened so quickly that I'm still soaking it all in. Hardly expecting to find any work where I could sit on my butt all day and draw- and get paid. It's surreal and I'm embracing every moment. I hate to jinx myself but oddly things are shifting towards a good direction. I can't quite put my finger on it but the little hope that I did have prior to my new job is manifesting in some way. I don't regret all the things I had to go through. The struggles and obstacles helped to define who I am today. I believe if I had things handed to me quickly, I might not fully appreciate everything and everyone in my life. I wouldn't be able to see clearly like I do now. I hated what I had to go through but who doesn't. It happened for a reason and I'll carry it with me as a reminder. With the changes in my life now, I will still continue to work hard to visualize my complete dream. Or most of it anyways...
Here is the latest work in progress that you're probably dying to see...probably not.

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