Monday, March 21, 2011

Pen Sketch Series 1

During some down time or when I need a break from my laptop. I like to do quick character sketches in pen. I use a pen instead of a pencil to prevent myself from erasing or fixing. This way I don't focus to much on trivial things.
click image for larger view

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Veil WIP 7

I recently purchased the Adobe CS5 Production Premium and a part of me died. It's insane how expensive it is but it is well worth the investment. Since I want to be a well rounded artist, I figured the best way is to practice and create mini projects to get back into the familiarity of digital tools I used to work in. I also miss animating quite a bit. Here's the latest work in progress...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Veil WIP 3

I almost scrapped this project because I was getting frustrated. But earlier today, out of the blue, a vision of what I deeply wanted this art to look like finally came to me. I am confident now knowing what direction this is going, so be patient folks and I hope you enjoy the ride!
