Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New Sketches

I feel as though my best sketches are the ones that I don't plan beforehand. I tend to get stuck more often when I think too much about what I'm going to draw. Sometimes the best ideas are the spur of the moment ones-- make sure there's a pencil and pad near by!

Half way through sketching Toro, I felt she needed to be stoic and distant. For clothing I just felt she needed to be padded in armor because it seemed suitable for her.
While sketching Sana I mainly focused on her pose and sketch lines.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Demonia accepted to CGSociety gallery!

Ok! I submitted another digital painting, Demonia, to CGSociety's 2D/Illustration/Concept Art gallery and I got a comment! I get excited when people comment on my work. I'll take any criticisms whether they are positive or negative because it'll help me grow as an artist. Here is the link and Demonia: http://forums.cgsociety.org/showthread.php?f=133&t=950839
click for larger view

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Serge Banner.

Since I've become a new member at CGSociety, I wanted to make my own custom banner for my portfolio page. I like how I painted Serge's face so I went back and tweaked it some more to make it appealing. Here's the result.

click for larger view

Monday, January 17, 2011

Fae accepted to CGSociety Gallery!

As kool as the title sounds, it's really not that special lol. So I signed up recently to CGSociety and submitted Fae, one of my digital paintings, and it got accepted into their 2d/Illustration/Concept Gallery. I guess I met their standards because they don't accept just anything- whew. It feels nice but I'm really aiming for a plug as a feature artist...yeah that's not going to happen. I can only hope. Anyway, here is the link and Fae: http://forums.cgsociety.org/showthread.php?f=133&t=948981

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Serge Complete!

Finally! I believe I am done. I told myself I must finish this today because I need to move on! What a rough couple of weeks but I am glad I found the motivation to finalize Serge. Comments and critiques are welcomed. I'll show details in the next post.
click for larger view


Sunday, January 2, 2011

My New Editor!

I would like to welcome Rachel to my blog. She is my new editor and will be overseeing my posts because apparently I'm grammatically incorrect....sigh, it's true. But it's all kool. When I start to sound profound in my posts that is all thanks to Rachel^_^

Serge WIP 5

Lately, it's been difficult to find some motivation and inspiration. I blame it on the effects of the holidays- oi! I got a new art book today called Top Cow that I got with my 50% off Border's coupon! Sweet deal I might say. So that sparked some motivation. Here it is, and it looks like the end is approaching.
click image for larger view